Creative dog sport for competition and leisure time
Discdogging is simply explained as playing Frisbee with the dog. The human lets the Frisbee fly, the four-legged friend catches it from the air and brings it back. Endurance, reaction and speed are trained in a playful way. A positive side effect: the shared fun strengthens the bond between you and your four-legged friend.

Where to train with your four-legged friend
A meadow with soft and even ground without holes is suitable as a training ground. Add a suitable Frisbee and off you go. Many dog sports clubs or dog schools offer courses on this popular dog sport, where you can practice together with like-minded people. Special dog frisbees made of unbreakable materials are suitable for throwing. The disc should also be flexible and have no sharp edges.

Show your skills!
You and your four-legged friend love playing with the Frisbee disc and are looking for new challenges? Then competitions might be interesting for you.

The aim is to present an impressive choreography to a piece of music within two minutes. The number of Frisbees allowed already shows that the interaction requires some skill on the part of man and dog: the team may use up to seven discs.

Mini Distance
On a limited playing field, it's a matter of throwing and retrieving for 60 seconds! The human-dog duo receives points for each Frisbee caught in the air, depending on the throwing distance.

Long Distance
In this discipline, only the distance caught counts: the human may throw the Frisbee three times. The furthest throw that the dog could successfully catch from the air is scored.